Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University
Hyderabad-500 030,
Andhra Pradesh.
Ph; 040-24015011 to 040-24015017, 040-24015161 to 040-24015163
website; www.angrau.net
Courses Offered:
Polytechnic Courses;
Polytechnic Diploma in Agriculture & Seed Technology
Eligibility:A Pass 10 th class / It's Equelent with minimum 55% marks(Compartmental Pass Candidates are also Eligible).
Note;The Cadidates who Studied in Village(without Municipality Sorrounding) from Ist Class to Xth Class minimum 4 years are Eligible to Apply.
Age; 15-22
**Inter & Higher Studied Candidates are Not Eligible.
Under Graduate Courses:
1.B.Sc (Ag) (8 Colleges) (500 Seats)
2.B. Tech (Ag. Engg.)(2 Colleges)(90 Seats)
3.*B. Sc.(CA & BM)in 1:1 ratio of Bi.P.C & M.P.C. Streams candidates.(Rajendranagar Campus) (40 Seats)
4.*B. Tech (Food Science) in 1:1 ratio of Bi.P.C & M.P.C. streams candidates.(2 Colleges) (90 Seats)
5.B.Sc (Hons.) Home-Science (1 College) (80 Seats)
Note:*B.Sc.(CA & BM) & B. Tech (Food Science) are payment seats only.
Reservation weightage for different categories:
a) Backward Classes = 29% (A=7%, B=10%, C= 1%, D=7%, E=4%).
b) Scheduled Caster = 15 %
c) Scheduled Tribes = 6%
d) For women = 33.3%
e) Physically Handicapped candidates = 3 %(1% each under Visually, Hearing and Orthopaedically impaired categories)
f) Children of Ex-Servicemen and Defence Personnel = 2 %
g) N.C.C. = 1%
h) Games and Sports = 0.5 %
Other Reservations:
40 % of the seats in B.Sc (Ag.), B.Tech (Ag. Engg.), B. Sc.(CA & BM) and B. Tech. (Food Science) courses are reserved for candidates coming from families of Agriculturists actually engaged in and owning not less than 3 acres of land and who have studied for a minimum of 4 years in Schools located in Non-Municipal areas. Candidates seeking admission under this category should produce a certificate in Form 3 of application containing patta numbers and extent of land obtained from a Revenue Officer not below the rank of Mandal Reveue Officer of the Mandal Concerned or a certified copy of Pattadar Pass Book issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer and also a Certificate in Form 4 of Application form the Heads of Institutions that the candidate has studied for a minimum period of four years in Schools located in Non-Municpal areas during their period of study from 1st class to 12th class.
If the certificates as referred to under clasue(a) above are not filled in proforma in the application form duly signed by the Head of Institution Concerned officer as mentioned above along with office seal, the claim of the candidates under this category will be rejected.
Admission(Selection) Procedure:
The students are admitted into all U.G. courses except B.Sc (Hons.) Home Science based on their performance in the state level Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) conducted by Department of Higher Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. B.Sc (Hons.) Home Science only women candidates are eligible for admission with a pass in two year Intermediate Examination with Bi.P.C or M.P.C, without any need for appearing for any entrance test including EAMCET. After the results of the entrance test are notified by the authorities, the University shall invite applications from eligible candidates through Notification in some of the leading News papers indicating the ANGRAU website address for downloading the Application forms and to send along with all necessary enclosures to reach the Registrar on or before the date/specified from time to time.
The candidates for admission to First Year Under-Graduate courses in the University shall be required to have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission with an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates, 25 years in case of SC and ST candidates and 27 years for Physically challenged.
The eligible candidates shall be required to attend personal counselling perusing as per the intimation/notification in the News papers and be admitted to different U.G Programmers depending on their individual merit as determined by the ‘rank’ obtained in EAMCET following the presidential order (Regional allotment), the rule of reservation as per orders of the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
Postgraduate Courses;
M.Sc. (Ag)(Plant Molicular Biology & Bio-Technology) - 10 Disciplines (130 Seats)
M.Sc. (Home Sci.) - 5 Disciplines (20 Seats)
M.Tech (Agri. Engg)
M.Sc (Food Technology)
MBA (Agri Business)
Ph.D. Agriculture - 9 Disciplines(28 Seats)
Ph.D. Home science(H.Sc) - 5 Disciplines (6 Seats)
Inter Faculty Courses;
M A B M (20 Seats)
M.Sc. (Ag. Biotechnology) (10 Seats)
M.Sc. Food Science & Technology (15 Seats)
M.Sc. Environmental Science and Technology (10 Seats)
for more details visit : www.angrau.net